Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

My name is John Nicholl. I'm an Industrial Design student, based in Adelaide, South Australia and this is the beginning of somewhere that I can think aloud and share my work.

This blog is somewhat outdated.
More current projects are posted on my website.

Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr: jwrnicholl

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Studio 4 Journal, Week 5

This Week

  • Button Tests
  • CAD Flat Pattern
  • Filling and Sanding Base
  • Project Plan
Button Tests - As far as testing the buttons go, I've 3D printed and made sure that both brightness and power buttons will physically work. The Brightness button went through some pretty major changed from the first attempt. I've ended up using the flexible abilities of the ABS to hold my Alucobond button in place, while still moving enough to engage the button held beneath. The reason for the final design of the brightness button's bracket is because there needs to be adequate clearance for the button to actually move in.

The Power button was pretty much the same as what had been tested before, so the only adjustment was to file away some plastic which was preventing the button from travelling all the way down.

CAD Flat Pattern - After working out the details for mounting the button and switch, I've drawn out a CAD file which has locating holes for the small parts and also details to cut thin flanges out of the Alucobond to cover the edges of material. I will finalise the details of this on Monday. Speaking of which I realised just now I haven't resolved how to mount the power adapter to the arm.

    Filling and Sanding Base - This step is still part way through, thought I've gone with a 3D printed insert and the part is part way through being primed and sanded. The 3D printed part looks like it will serve its purpose quite well. You can see in the photos how I've cut a test piece that clearly shows how the sphere will be supported away from the cement in the base.

    Project Plan - This is the first time I've used a Gantt chart to try and plan and entire project's movements... I know I've missed things but I guess that's the whole point. If I don't know I've forgotten something, I can't possibly remember it.

    I've used a program called GanttProject. Super easy to use.

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