Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

My name is John Nicholl. I'm an Industrial Design student, based in Adelaide, South Australia and this is the beginning of somewhere that I can think aloud and share my work.

This blog is somewhat outdated.
More current projects are posted on my website.

Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr: jwrnicholl

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Computer Modelling Journal, Week 15: Part 2

The model is done! Finished. No more Solidworks for a little while.

I came across some problems trying to create a slot to separate the left and right mouse buttons. "0 Thickness geometry". Which was a lie. After a few different approaches, I decided that it wasn't necessary. There would be enough flex in the material to operate both left and right without the slot.

Finally, Heres my result.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Computer Modelling Journal, Week 15: Part 1

Having had a complete model of the design I wanted, but then solidworks not want to comply with my shell command, I've shifted to a mouse designed to look like a snake's head.

Prior to this design, there were a few attempts at remodeling it. I came across issues when trying to resolve the design at the bottom of the mouse.

In the end I've just used the mouse underlays as a guide for the size of the snake head mouse.

Over the weekend and Friday, I'll be filling in the simple extrusions and shapes to make the parts interface with each other in a more logical way.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Computer Modelling Journal, Week 14

The last few weeks have been busy and so this post is slightly late A new assignment is at hand. Designing and modelling a mouse of my own based on the technical package of the Logitech M185. The plan is to use a modified set of parts for the innards, to more accurately represent the real thing. I know for a fact that the PCB will need to be adjusted to better suit the angle at which the battery sits.

I started with some sketches, then moved on to a foam model for confirmation of form. To avoid complicating the project and in the interest of keeping to a workload which suits the available time, I've opted for a symmetrical design. Suggestions had been made to use the styling of existing products as inspiration for the design, but I've just gone for what I think to be visually appealing in my own eyes.

With the foam model it is easy to take photos as elevations of the mouse to use as a guide in Solidworks. Keeping in mind that the foam is not perfect to work with, the form isn't final, and i may still make some changes.