Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

My name is John Nicholl. I'm an Industrial Design student, based in Adelaide, South Australia and this is the beginning of somewhere that I can think aloud and share my work.

This blog is somewhat outdated.
More current projects are posted on my website.

Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr: jwrnicholl

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Computer Modelling Journal, Week 14

The last few weeks have been busy and so this post is slightly late A new assignment is at hand. Designing and modelling a mouse of my own based on the technical package of the Logitech M185. The plan is to use a modified set of parts for the innards, to more accurately represent the real thing. I know for a fact that the PCB will need to be adjusted to better suit the angle at which the battery sits.

I started with some sketches, then moved on to a foam model for confirmation of form. To avoid complicating the project and in the interest of keeping to a workload which suits the available time, I've opted for a symmetrical design. Suggestions had been made to use the styling of existing products as inspiration for the design, but I've just gone for what I think to be visually appealing in my own eyes.

With the foam model it is easy to take photos as elevations of the mouse to use as a guide in Solidworks. Keeping in mind that the foam is not perfect to work with, the form isn't final, and i may still make some changes.

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