Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

My name is John Nicholl. I'm an Industrial Design student, based in Adelaide, South Australia and this is the beginning of somewhere that I can think aloud and share my work.

This blog is somewhat outdated.
More current projects are posted on my website.

Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr: jwrnicholl

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Studio 4 Journal, Week 3

This Week
  • Latex Mould Testing
  • MDF Sphere Continued
  • 1:1 Scale Model
  • Light Source Details
Latex Mould Testing - I had been a little worried about how well the latex will hold the round shape over such a large area. The test involved making a quick mould with a bowling ball which I borrowed from a friend. The ball is a little old and used with some small gouges in it which means I couldn't use it to make my final product with, however is serves well as a test model.

I attempted to support the latex with some soil I have laying about, which in the end I think was a bad idea. I really should have found some sand. Perhaps I will go for a drive down to the beach and borrow some from the earth. The final result was covered in bumps. I also noted that the finish was not as smooth as the ball. I need to coat the latex with some Vaseline next time.

MDF Sphere Continued - Once the sphere had been turned to a ball that I was happy with, I put a load of Estapol over it to try seal the end of the MDF a little before going at it with the high build filler primer. I had a go at sanding it to round as best I could to remove the rings that were left behind by the denser areas where the MDF layers were glued together.

Further along, I had a suggestion from one of my lecturers to use a ring shaped sanding block and roll around the ball to achieve the perfect sphere. I went about cutting out a ring and ended up just using that as a stand. The easiest approach was to cut the abrasive paper in such a way that i could fold it into a cone and roll it around the ball. At this point, I've filled some small gouges and cracks with car bog, sprayed another coat of filler primer and am waiting for it to dry before I sand it down and repeat one last time, just for the best possible finish I can achieve.

The more time I spend on this, the better my final product will be. Investment.

1:1 Scale Model - Though this was in week 1, I figure its an important part in explaining the side of the lamp. Its no small thing, and the design has had a few further modifications since. There is also a lack of the piece of cement that would serve as the base.

The newer version has a slimmer arm with a taper running from the front and back into the centre of the sphere. Also, there is a taper that runs from the top of the lamp, down to the underside.

Light Source Details - Again, this was determined in week 1, but I've made some further changes. I've added a brightness adjustment button that should fit well into the existing design. The old power connector was a little ugly, so I've purchased a cleaner plug that I will be able to hide in the design much more easily. I cut away the top of a little button that was attacked to the dimmer I had purchased, so I could solder on my own button that have a better tactile feel.

There is a short video below showing the function of the electronics.

The next two week are a teaching break, so I wont have access the workshop at Uni. This does however mean I have no restrictions on my time other than eating and sleeping.

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