Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

My name is John Nicholl. I'm an Industrial Design student, based in Adelaide, South Australia and this is the beginning of somewhere that I can think aloud and share my work.

This blog is somewhat outdated.
More current projects are posted on my website.

Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr: jwrnicholl

Friday, May 2, 2014

Computer Modelling Journal, Week 7

Over the break I've been focusing on things other than CAD and Solidworks, Some efforts to model up the PCB. I don't think it's at a stage that I'm happy with. It would be nice to build up a few more components so it really does represent what actually exists more closely.

The approach was to use a photo of the board as a guide for the overall shape, then just use the vernier callipers to pull more accurate dimensions. The chances are I'll have to adjust the board slightly later on once I've build the main body pieces that it sits inside.

I've detached the tracking sensor and the plastic reflector piece from the board. and hopefully i'll be able to model up the wires which span from the board to it.

I'll have to model up the sensor too, and house it in the slot there at the back of the board. So far it looks all right. I don't like the colour though. There isn't a style that already exists for the PCB in Solidworks, I'll have to try making a custom one, if not just stick with a single colour and hopefully the details will do it justice.

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