Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

My name is John Nicholl. I'm an Industrial Design student, based in Adelaide, South Australia and this is the beginning of somewhere that I can think aloud and share my work.

This blog is somewhat outdated.
More current projects are posted on my website.

Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr: jwrnicholl

Monday, March 10, 2014

Computer Modelling Journal, Week 1

This will be the first of many entries with regards to computer modelling for product design. Over the course of the next half year, i'll be recording any problems, triumphs or anything that's worth documenting regarding the process and experiences I come across while completing assignments. The software package I'll be using is Solidworks 2013. Hopefully there will be more pictures than words.

Once being given the technical Drawing for the bottle, It became clear that there wer some details that would be hard to see without a electronic copy to zoom in on. In particular the top of the bottle and teh base where the knurled feature is.

The top left image out of the following shows a small flat ridge after the first fillet from the bottle's top. Without it, the sketch is impossible to constrain. Also there is a detail where two concentric arcs are required to find a point of intersection which constrains the centre point of the arc just below that small flat ridge.

The top right image just explains the flat surface just before the very bottom of the bottle's upper section.

This bottom image was a little confusing because it leaves a lot to the imagination to try understand the shape of the 3D feature that is is trying to describe. With whats shown here, I presumed it is half of a football shape.
The sketches looked pretty alright to me afterwards.

The final Product after a quick render...

This is the first part of the assignment done. Next to come is a little CAD Lego person and a 3D printed item for it to carry or be attached to. I'd thought of making a tiny Mech for it to sit in, but that might be a bit too big of a project for the time frame I've got. Maybe just robotic pants will suffice.

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